Lair of Vukodlac

2005 Ravenback City Awards: The Pre-Show Begins

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*The entire Roost goes black suddenly for around 30 seconds until one
large round bulb pops into light above the entrance. Another next to
it then pops into light, followed by thousands of lights all around
the once darkened shop. The front doors are kicked open with a crash
from the black combat boot accompaning a pink tu-tu wearing
vampiress. Adjusting her large diamond studded crown, Jauk winks at
the camera following her and puts on that big cheesy grin that can
only mean a city wide broadcast is being aired at that moment.
Turning to the quarter mile long red carpet that stretched from the
front doors to the street she lets out a loud and dramatic gasp as
the first of the guest show up. With a fake awe struck expression,
she puts the back of her hand to her forehead to appear as if she may

Bless my undead heart! It's Moirai and his wife, Xanthippa! Quick,
someone have the body guards tazor the crowd of screeming girls
before Xanthippa gets a hold of them!

*Nodding to her telepathic translator, Jamie, Jauk smiles and waves
Moirai over. Dressed in a black suit, black shirt, and white tie he
walks towards the camera with a million dollar smile.*

Jauk: Moirai, hello and welcome to the first annual RavenBlack City
Awards Pre-Show! Care to answer a few questions before you head to
your seat? Ha, who am I kidding, of course you would! How about this
one, you're nominated for Mr.BadAss how does that make you feel?

Moirai: : I felt like it should have been grandfathered to me,
instead of voted on, I mean no one in that group is scary to me.

Jauk: So modest! *short cheesy laugh as she squeezes his arm* Wow,
watch out ladies, this guys packing guns and dressed to KILL! Where
did you get this evening's attire?

Moirai: This outfit? Hrmm I think I got it from some guys closet
after I drained him of his blood, some asshole hunter decided to try
and save the guy, and shot a whole in my last shirt.

Jauk: What did I say...dressed for the killing! Perhaps then, you'll
knock them dead tonight, not that we're not all dead here anyway,
hahaha, but seriously...Do you think you should win tonight, or that
you will even?

Moirai: I should win, but if I dont I dont really care, I'm not here
for the popularity contest, I dont need to prove anything to anyone.
I'm happy with myself, and happier when I'm with my wife. Best of
all, I'm good at what I do. Ask anyone. If I dont win, I'll prolly
kill whoever does win, *winks* , who else is nominated? arent all the
other nominees former zeroedees?

Jauk: Now, now...I'm not even going to support a battle to the death
between contenders. I didn't bring any cash to bet on anyone with!
*more short and cheesy laughter* So is there anyone here tonight that
you would hope wins an award or two along with yourself? Any favorite

Moirai: well, I think it's awesome that CoB was nominated for best
comeback to the pleasure of many and also for the worst comeback, to
the dismay of many. It's obvious the CoB's friends voted that they're
glad and those that tend to die a lot voted that they're not happy
about it.

Jauk: Yes, that was a funny little surprise that they were nominated
for both, but then again Capadocious is nominated for both Brightest
Star and Most Annoying Vampire. Hmmm, well is there anything else
you'de like to say while on city wide television?

Moirai: yes, I'm going to kill Mooncalf one of these days. I think
that says it all.

*nods and trys to hide a worried expression* Heh, yeah...well umm...
Thank you! Enjoy the show and good luck to you! *Turns back to the
camera* Who will we interview next and *gasps* what will they
reveal?!? Stay tuned!!!
Click here as the show continues.

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