Everyone else has a web site, so I figured, why not me too? On this site you'll learn a little about Vukodlac and a lot
about the city of Ravenblack. Below the picture of my bar (Hellion's Alehouse) you will find a picture of me.
My Favorites
- Favorite Band or Musician: The Vampire Lestat, Vampire Weekend
- Favorite TV show: Kindred, Blade: The TV Series, True Blood
- Favorite movie: Dracula 2000, Saw I-V
- Favorite book: The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
- Favorite food: Blood
My Hobbies
Partying, hanging around the streets of Ravenblack, hunting the vampire hunters in this city, and hanging out at the
Main Hall of the Scions of the Phoenix.
I am a former member of the Clan of the Archangel and a former member of the Clan de Beljeferon.
Most Admired
- Vlad Tepes
- Elizabeth Bathory