DarkestDesire walks out onto the stage and looks at all the vampires out in the audience. Being a little nervous
she has a slight trip but quickly regains her step.
As she makes her way to the podium she picks up the glass of blood
there and takes a drink before talking.
"Vampiresses and vampires, I would like to thank you all for coming out to
the first annual awards ceremony here at the darkroost.
I have been fortunate enough to give the award in my favorite
catagory. I know there are quite a few of you here who do not know me, but of those who do, they would have to
agree that I do have a weakness for a good looking thief. Not only one that can steal my heart, but one that can pick
a full pocket as well.
so for the nominations of the best steal in the city I have..."
Lifts up a piece of paper
and with a slight hesistation...
"Morgana1800 stole 57130 from Ulalume ...
melkya stole Jauk's heart =^_^= ...
a good heart theif in every city... ~bats eyes~
"Dark Devereaux stole 60594 from LadySheDragon"
and tonight winner in this catagory is...."
Drum rolls....
She claps her hands as she waits for him to hand his award.
*Dev sits stunned for a sec,then jumps out of the seat,puts hands on cheeks,and lets out a squeal. All the bling
reflecting from the lights puts a hurt on a few
eyeballs. On the way to the stage,blows kisses to Aphaytha,Lis,and
Siddy. Waves to nemesis_wings in her lovely gown,and Elektra too! Stops by ophelia, gives her a huuuuge hug,and
places her previous Golden Fang there beside Mom.
Then heads to the stage,walking a bit slower this time,so as not to trip,and
makes sure to show some leg for everyone.(see photo section for dress,again,lol)
Arrives at the podium,and takes the statue
from Darkest Desire,and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Turns to the audience,and holds the award up high*
"Morgie hon!I'm sharing this one with you!Will put it in the main hall at the SC hon!"
*bats eyelashes,and blows Morgana1800 a kiss*
"Thank you!!I do realize there are awesome thieves all around,and I've seen folks steal more! So lets give a big hand
for Stealing!"
*Dev applauds the audience*
"I know I can never resist lifting some coin,,as a grrrrl can never have enough bling bling!
I'd like to thank Lady What The!For being awake at 5:30am and showing me how to take a picture of the steal!"
"And also everyone who took me on stealing binges in the past.Annabelle!D!DreamFeathers!And of course,my teachers at
the SC!
So many of you!My Mommie Dearest,the lovely ophelia!"
"And also to all the bartenders!I seem to have less of a conscience after a few belts!!!"
*Dev curtsies,and exits the stage,then goes and sits with ophelia*
Click here as the show continues and Clan of the Year is announced.