Lair of Vukodlac

2005 Ravenback City Awards: Award For Best Married Couple

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Vukodlac, dressed to the nines, walks up to the podium. 

"It's great to be here tonight and to see all you vampires, and no one has thrown a holy water yet."

"Probably only because Nonion and Archangel haven't shown up."

"I have the great pleasure tonight of presenting the award for the best married
couple.  The five nominated couples share one trait in common, they have a love
that transcends this city.  It transcends this realm.  They have found happiness
and made a commitment to each other.  These couples have weathered a lot and it  is great to see them still together."

"Here are the nominees for the award:

Arsanga and Murrz Ramirez
EvilBill and Ophelia
Obsidian and Chass
Capadocious and AquelDroma
Heimdag amd Shikon af Gyllenstierna"

"And the name of the couple of all couples of 2005 in this city of Ravenblack is""

Vukodlac tears open the envelope, takes out the card, and looks over at Jauk.

"No shit?"

Jauk nods.

"The best married couple in Ravenblack City is Capadocious and AquelDroma."

Thank you Vukodlac, I would like to accept this award on behalf of myself and my enchanting wife AQD. I had no doubt that we would win this as we are by far the best couple this city has ever seen. AQD is the greatest woman I have ever laid my eyes on and my only equal in this entire city. I could say that it was great fortune to win this award, but in reality my greatest fortune ever was winning the heart and the love of my eterninty, AQD.

Later on, when you are all forced to serve us, you will realize just how wonderful she is first hand.
Click here as the show continues and DarkestDesire presents an award.

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