Lair of Vukodlac

2005 Ravenback City Awards: Award For The Worst Comeback

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*From the audience, an arc of blood is seen spraying onto the stage.
A grinning Moirai appears, wiping blood from his mouth. As he
approaches the microphone, he waves an envelope in the air.*
Greetings heathens! Thanks for coming to this crazy show, I have
here the winner to 'Worst Comeback.' No, it doesn't mean who had the
lamest 'Yo momma' joke. Here are the nominees.

Es Beacy
Church of Blood

And the winner is! *Moirai gently opens the envelope.* Queue the
dramatic music folks, the winner is


Cmup here you big slob! Time to collect your Golden Fang award
*Moirai knocks the award over, so it's tilted on the podium, and
bows to the crowd, not expecting the monkey to come up for his
award, but nonetheless waiting in case.*
Archangel was a no show for the awards ceremony.
Click here as the show continues and the award for best married couple is presented.

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