Lady Darkness walks on stage to the podium ,praying she doesnt fall flat on her face. "This award is for 'who let them
out of their cage, biggest party animal'.. It was given to ... Dark Devereaux won by 27 percent with 48 vote. Congrats Dark
Devereaux." Applause ring out , Lady Darkness exits the stage waving to all with her best Miss America smile and wave......
*Dev comes sliding in the door,and adjusts her dress,(see photo section). Hearing the speaker from the podium,Lady
Darkness,her voice echoing in the night, "This award is for 'who let them out of their cage, biggest party animal'..
It was given to ... Dark Devereaux won by 27 percent with 48 vote. Congrats Dark Devereaux."
*looks around wide eyed,completely shocked!and takes a sip from her
flask. She heads to the podium,and almost
catches her stiletto heel on
the steps. Taking the stage,she looks in wonder at the statuette,*
"Dahhhhhhhhhhhlings! I just wanna thank you all!You liiiike me,ya really liike me!"
*shrieks in best Halle Berry imitation*
"But really,couldn't have done it without all the alcohol,and the stuuuuuuuuff!"
*eyes glaze over,and a far away look takes hold of the black eyes,but then she comes back to focus,and waves at everyone,blowing
ophelia kisses*
"Thank you!!!!!Thank you! Thank you!!I love you all!And may I say,you all look mahhhhhhvelous tonight"
*she heads into the audience,carrying the gorgeous statue,and takes a
seat near the aisle*
Click here as the show continues and the award for worst comeback is presented.