Lair of Vukodlac


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Vukoladicus is the slave, freed and turned into a gladiator by his mentor and vampire friend Vukodlac, Marquis de Centari.

He/She is the 233th players out of 399 players.
Compared to yesterday, he/she stayed in the same position.
(updated after the arenas fights)

He/She is a registered player.

He/She has won 28 times, made the top 3 47 times and made the top 10 48 times.
In a total of 133 arena battles.

Vukoladicus is presently playing in Truth or Dare.

Vukoladicus has a total of 233740 experience.

He/She has about 13 in strength, 16 in dexterity, 13 in intelligence, 16 in constitution, 13 in discipline and 12 in wisdom.

He/She is part of TOTUS INTER BONUS VICIS alliance.
The owner of that alliance is: daydreamer
Other Members are:
-Epimondas--Bantag--der Leo--Aliquis Gladius--Boffsta--Smokey McPot--Hagar--Druss The Axeman--Wolverine--Gavilan--Merki--Strongtium--Odis--Ardra--Regulottus--skullmaker-
The last time he/she was logged in was 2005-11-22

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