Blessed nights and peaceful days,
Vukodlac, Marquis de Centari
Childe of Beljeferon
Steward of Entertainment, Clan de Beljeferon
Headmaster, Schola Erudito
Manager, Centari National Bank & Trust
Board of Directors, Centari National Bank & Trust
Clan Ambassador to the Sanctuary of Immortal Enlightenment
Clan Ambassador to the Temple of Golconda
Head Steward, The Deathship
Field Reporter, Vampire Midnight Post
Priest of the Laity, Temple of Golconda
Student, Byren's School of Dance
Blood Brother to Murrz Ramirez
Former Blood Brother to :Es Beacy
Founder, Hellions Alehouse
Co-Owner, Hellions Alehouse
Head Researcher, Hellions Alehouse
Hellions Alehouse, Sponsor of the awards for the 2005 Ravenblack City Awards Show
Hellions Alehouse, Home to the BIGGEST and BEST database in RB City
Founder, 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse Bar and Grill
Co-Owner, 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse Bar and Grill
Famine, 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse Bar and Grill
High Councilor from the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse Bar and Grill
Presenter, Best Married Couple, 2005 Ravenblack City Awards Show
Judge, Ravenblack Grimoire Valentine’s Day Contest
Retired member, Ravenblack Provisional Congress
Former Judge, Ravenblack Municipal Court
Former Minister, Undead Church
Former Member, Assassins Guild
Former Member, Clan of the Archangel
Owner, Vukodlac’s Seahawks, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Football League
Owner, Vukodlac’s Sonics, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Basketball League
Owner, Vukodlac’s Mariners, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Baseball League
Owner, Vukodlac’s Castaways, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Survivor League
Owner, Team Vukodlac, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Olympics League
-----2006 Winter Olympics, First Place
Owner, Team Vukodlac, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Auto Racing League
Owner, Can I Have A Mulligan?, Clan de Beljeferon Fantasy Golf League
Two-time winner of Clan de Beljeferon’s Lugosi Award
One-time winner of Clan de Beljeferon’s Dry Fang Award
Bearer of two Medals of Service from the Clan of the Archangel
Scourge of Vampire Hunters, 48 Killed
Banned for life from RBB
One helluva nice vampire
Mortem Vitae Sequens
Mangia e Statti Zitto