*The lightbulbs light dazzling around the building change suddenly from bright white to blue as a spot light hits
Annnnnd now ladies and gentlemen *cough-if there are any here-cough* Nonion will be putting on the
first preformance of the night! Give her a hand!
*Jauk very enthusiastically claps her hands together and grins
wickedly from ear to ear.*
Get her started guys!
*Girly human boy and Manly human girl grab Nonion by each
arm and thrust her against a wall oppossite Jauk. With a pop and a splurt of pink glitter, chains rip out of the cracks
between bricks and wrap around Nonions wrists, ankles, and neck. Licking her pointer finger and putting it in the
air, Jauk winks at Nonion*
Ooooh, the wind is moving towards the left...this could be tricky. So nice of you to
be apart of the show Nonion, what a risk taker!
*Pulling a few daggers out from a garter under her tu-tu, one by one
in a period of 5 seconds Jauk tosses around 7 daggers at various parts of Nonion's body. None of them hit her, but
outline the shape of her precisely. Jauk takes a bow and waves to the crowd*
Ahhh, that was a close one! Now for
my next trick, would someone be so kinda as to put an apple in this fair ladies mouth? I should like to show my excellent
skills by tossing a sharp object into the apple, but keeping Nonion COMPLETELY safe!
*Someone in the crowd tosses
a large apple at Nonion's head, to which positions itself in her big gaping mouth. Jauk pulls out a shiny fork from
hair and gives it a good luck kiss. Nodding first at Ophelia for the lovely gift, she reaches back far and lundges the
fork at the apple. It flys through the air at the speed of light and hits the apple straight threw the center of the
core, but doesn't stop there. The end of the fork dissappears into the apple and blood begins to trickle out of the
sides of Nonion's mouth. Moving towards Nonion, Jauk doesn't look surprised at all. Coming close she leans in and licks
some of the blood dripping on Nonion's next. With that she gives a shocked, but pleased expression and removes her fork
from the apple to safetly secure it in her hair again. Turning to the onlookers, Jauk takes a bow.*
Thank you,
thank you! The blood is actually GOOD ladies and gentleman, and the drinks are on Nonion! So much for her being completely
safe *shrugs innocently*...opps, hehehe...
Click here as the pre-show continues.