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Lucius Little Truths

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Lucius' Little Truths

#1 Be more afraid of an army of sheep led by a wolf than an army of wolves led by a sheep.

#2 Life is not fair. That doesn’t mean you can’t win.

#3 A good leader must be two men: to those he commands he must be a saint. To his enemies, he must be a devil. The reverse is also true.

#4 The only box that can hold a secret is a coffin.

#5 The one who speaks with anger makes his anger heard, but his words forgotten.

#6 Let fools read what fools write.

#7 The more you question one’s loyalty, the less you deserve it.

#8 Need to defeat Beljeferon? Convince him a battle will ruffle his feathers.

#9 Need to defeat Unicorn? Trip her when she charges.

#10 Need to defeat Creperum? Tell her the truth. She’ll never believe you.

#11 Fools forget. Make certain you do not.

#12 Always be ready to wait

#13 Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves.

#14 Everyone lies. Even me.

#15 A man will feel obliged for everything you give him. He will also feel obliged for all that you have not taken.

#16 Enemies you make are enemies you keep.

#17 No enemy is beneath notice.

#18 Pity is not a virtue.

#19 Honor is like spread blood; it grows cold and stale after a while.

#20 A death blow is a life blow to some.

#21 Men are like trees, They die from the top.

#22 Capadocious and porcelain have one thing in common. Drop either of them, and the entire world hears it.

#23 Little Truth #14 was a lie.

#24 Do not fear a man who hates you openly, for that is all he is capable of doing.

#25 A lord who is cruel but just is always admired.

#26 The tongue is sharper than the stake and twice as deadly.

#27 The answer to life is… well, hell if I know.

#28 There is a fine line between inspired evil and depravity. Let me draw it for you.

#29 If I try to be like him, who will be like me?

#30 You always wanted to be somebody; you should have been more specific.

#31 Arguing with Unicorn is like mud wrestling with a pig. Pretty soon, you realize that the pig actually likes it.

#32 Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.

#33 Knowledge helps you make a living; wisdom helps you make a life.

#34 Great gods cannot ride little horses.

#35 The famous man who is proud of his celebrity is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.

#36 Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.

#37 Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.

#38 ‘What the hell’ is always the right decision.

#39 If you lost your left arm, your right arm would be left.

#40 We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glowworm.

#41 A change of worldview can change the world viewed.

#42 The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.

#43 When the only tool you have is a hammer; everything begins to look like a nail.

#44 The shortest answer is doing.

#45 Silence is the essential condition of happiness.

#46 If you tell people the truth, make them laugh or they'll kill you.

#47 I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

#48 It doesn't matter if I'm paranoid - they're still after me.

#49 Death is only a state of mind. Only it doesn't leave you much time to think about anything else.

#50 Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them.

#51 The statement below is true. The statement above is false.

#52 The trouble with life is there's no background music.

#53 Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting

#54 Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine

#55 The Truth can be made up if you know how.

#56 Use the tools of evil for too long , and you too will become evil

#57 Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

#58 Be incomprehensible. If they can't understand, they can't disagree.

#59 Walks are good. Especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

#60 Tyranny is always better organized than freedom

#61 Everyone has a right to be stupid. Some just abuse the privilege.

#62 Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.

#63 If you try and don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.

#64 Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you don't have a leg to stand on.

#65 You can't kill time without injuring eternity.

#66 Three can keep a secret... if two are dead.

#67 Quitters never win, and winners never quit, but those who never quit AND never win are idiots.

#68 Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy.

#69 Asking Capadocious what he thinks about Dirktou is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs.

#70 It does not matter if you fall down, as long as you pick something up from the floor when you get up.

#71 A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

#72 Cerridwen occasionally stumbles over the truth, but she always pick herself up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.

#73 It's not enough to succeed. Others must fail.

#74 Murder is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.

#75 None preaches better than the ant, and she says nothing. I shall be this ant.

#76 When you can laugh at yourself, there is enlightenment.

#77 From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.

#78 Never play leapfrog with Unicorn.

#79 Freedom is just a hallucination created by a pathological lack of paranoia.

#80 Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

#81 Fight Crime: Shoot back.

#82 In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few.

#83 Blood wouldn't be so important if everybody didn't want some.

#84 A city of anarchy is a city of promise.

#85 Staring into the Shadow Court is like staring into an eclipse. It's brilliant and you don't realize the damage until it’s too late.

#86 Everything we do is futile, but we must do it anyway.

#87 I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.

#88 Always offend people with style. If you can’t, offend them with substance.

#89 Don’t get into fights with the evil ones; they have nothing to lose.

#90 Sometimes I need what only KALI_MA can provide: her absence.

#91 Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently gifted Wandering Fool.

#92 In the Tower of Blood, it is tradition to approach every problem with an open mouth.

#93 Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of the Vamp Court, the Supreme Court, the Municipal Court and the Night Watch. But I repeat myself.

#94 If you cannot convince them, confuse them.

#95 One doesn't automatically get my respect. One has to get down in the dirt and beg for it.

#96 Experience is the worst teacher. It always gives the test first and the instruction afterward.

#97 Batty expects no declaration of tenderness from his garden dwarves. He loves them, and that's all. It is thus that we should love.

#98 I would like to end my days in the Capadocian Castle. The transition between the Capadocian Castle and the Graveyard would be unnoticeable.

#99 Actions lie louder than words.

#100 I don’t have an enemy in the world; I’ve outlived them all.

#101 I despise the pleasure of pleasing people whom I despise.

#102 In RavenBlack, a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.

#103 You’re nobody until you’ve been ignored by me.

#104 The next person to pass us will die within the night… Oh, look, a Capadocian again.


High Priest of Lies and Little Truths


~Scribed by Bernit Wystfyre

Personal scribe to House D'Lan

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