Lair of Vukodlac

The Death of Victor and the Birth of Vukodlac, Conclusion

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This is the story of how the human Victor Ulysses Kodlac became who he is today ... the vampire Vukodlac.

From the bitter cold darkness Victor awoke staring at the night stars. He was still in the alleyway with the unnatural bum's corpse by his side. He didn't dare move lest his senses be assaulted anew. He remembered dying. He wondered if  his brother had passed through the same misery. If he has seen the light and been given a chance to come back. No, he answered himself, there had been something in the blood of the bum and Derick that was different. He was now like them and the mere thought of blood flooded his thoughts with an unspeakable hunger.

He heard a door open and immediately he fled into the shadows. An old European woman bundled in a shawl took a bag of garbage to the nearby dumpster. Victor felt his mouth salivating at the thought of ripping her head off and drinking her blood. His fangs itched in his gums and he could not wait any longer. He lunged at the old hag pinning her to the wall.

"Vukodlac!" She screamed in Croatian, uttering her last word as his teeth sunk into her flesh.

Vampire. Yes, that was what he was he thought as the metallic tasting liquid filled his mouth and he fed.

The End

Out Of Character:

Good Evening,

Thank you for sticking with the story through all seven parts.

A big thank you goes out to Lady Nikko/Michelle for taking the time to come up
with a great background story based on all the information that I gave her.  I
truly am indebted to you.



In Character:
Blessed nights and peaceful days,

Count Vukodlac de Centari
Steward of Entertainment, Clan de Beljeferon
Clan Ambassador to the Temple of Golconda
Blood Brother to Murrz Ramirez
Mortem Vitae Sequens

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