Vaelen strides over to the podium from the side of the stage. He is uncharacteristically attired in an expensive
three-piece dark blue suit with a white dress shirt and blue tie. He reaches the podium, smiles to the audience,
and begins, "There are times in our unlives when we do something that, while it may have seemed like a good idea at first,
it leaves others scratching their heads and wondering, 'What the heck were they thinking?' Our next batch of nominees
are perfect examples of these situations, and they are:
"Capadocious, for letting Lucius have the keys to his castle..."
for his binding with ~so i did him~..."
"Lucius, for becoming dead and buried..."
"Vicar, for cheating and lying
to Naomi..."
"and last, but not least, Es Beacy, for, well, being Es Beacy..."
"and the winner is..." Vaelen
pulls out an envelope from his pocket, and opens it. He pulls out the note inside and reads it, laughing, "Capadocious,
for letting Lucius have the keys to his castle!"
Thank you for this wonderful award. I have learned in my near 6000 year existance that a man is guaged by no only
what he does right, but by what he does wrong and how he over comes the adversity.
This is the worst mistake I
have ever made, I even voted for myself on this category. Live and Learn, or in my case, live, die a lot, and learn
a little.
Thank you
Click here as the show continues and Lady Hesu takes the stage.