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Game Rules

Event Specific Rules

1. You will be playing the best two out of three games.
2. Both competitors will be required to report the results of the event by using the form located at

These are the official rules from Yahoo


Yahoo! Pool strives to be a fun and realistic pool game. There are various types of billiard games played around the world. Yahoo! Games' current billiard game focuses around arguably the 2 most popular pool games: 8-ball and 9-ball. Other popular types of billiards games that are not yet included on Yahoo! Games include games like One Pocket and Cutthroat.

Using the Interface

It takes only a few minutes to learn and understand the controls. When shooting the cue ball, use the left mouse button to move the cue stick around the cue ball. When you have positioned the cue stick where you want, click and hold the right mouse button. Pull back on the mouse until you have the desired power (displayed on the right side of the table). Let go of the right mouse button to take your shot. To move the cue ball when you have ball in hand, simply left-click the cue ball and drag it to the desired spot and drop it. For more precise aiming you may use the arrow keys to line up your shot as well.


8-Ball Rules

Yahoo! Games has based the rules for this game on the current World Standardized 8-ball Rules, although some rules have been slightly modified to accommodate the online environment. However, the basic rule set is enforced.


The object of the game is for one player to pocket their set of object balls, 1-7 (solids) or 9-15 (stripes), and then to legally pocket the 8-ball.

The Break

The player who breaks the rack to start a game is determined randomly. The break will then rotate between players in future games at the same table, regardless of who won that last game. For a break to be considered legal, the player who breaks must strike the rack with the cue ball. If the player makes an illegal break, the turn rotates to his/her opponent. Any balls pocketed on the break remain pocketed.

If the player that breaks pockets a ball, other than the 8-ball or cue ball, his/her turn continues. If no balls are pocketed on the break, the turn rotates to the next player. Regardless of whether a ball is pocketed or not on the break, the table is still considered "open" (i.e., the choice of playing solids or stripes is still up for grabs).

Choice of Solids or Stripes

The choice of stripes or solids is not determined on the break. The choice is determined only when a player legally pockets the first ball after a break. If the player pockets both a solid and a stripe in the same shot, he/she must choose which group of balls they wish to play. If the table is open and a player strikes the 8-ball first, this is considered a foul and the turn rotates to the next player who gets ball in hand. If any balls were pocketed on this foul, they remain pocketed and the table is still considered "open." As always, if the 8-ball is pocketed when it is not a legal shot the game ends and the player who illegally pocketed the 8-ball loses the game.

Once solids and stripes have been assigned, it's considered a foul to strike the other player's ball before your own. If this happens, the player's turn is over and any balls pocketed remain pocketed. The next player also gains ball in hand.

Legal vs. Illegal Shots

In these rules we have talked a lot about legal and illegal shots. What exactly constitutes a legal or illegal shot?

The following are the rules for what is a legal vs. an illegal shot.


* A shooter must hit a ball that belongs to his group of balls before the 8-ball is struck or a ball in their opponent's group is struck (unless the table is open or the 8-ball is the only legal shot).

* It is legal to have the cue ball make contact with a rail before striking a ball in your group.


* Pocketing the cue ball - this is a scratch.

* The cue ball strikes the 8-ball first (unless it is the only legal shot).

* The cue ball strikes one of your opponent's object balls first.

* The cue ball does not strike a rail or a legal object ball.

Ball In Hand, Fouls, and Illegally Pocketed Balls

What happens when a player commits an illegal shot? Most of the time, it is a foul and the opposing player would get ball in hand. (Ball in hand means the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table and shoot in any direction.) When a player is granted ball in hand after an illegal break, the ball may only be placed behind the head string and only shot forward.

Remember, if an object ball is illegally pocketed the ball remains in the pocket.

Playing the 8-Ball

When the 8-ball is the legal shot for a player, a scratch or foul does NOT result in a loss of game if the 8-ball is not pocketed. However, the next player would have ball in hand. Remember, when playing the 8-ball you must designate a pocket.


A player's turn can span one or many shots. A player's turn continues as long as he/she legally pockets legal object balls. A player's turn ends when he/she takes a shot that is illegal and deemed a foul, fails to pocket a legal object ball, or pockets a ball of his/her opponent's group. If a player pockets a ball from his/her opponent's group, the player's opponent would only gain ball in hand if the ball had been pocketed illegally. It is not illegal or considered a foul to pocket his/her ball on your turn if the cue ball strikes a legal object ball first. It just ends the turn.

Loss of Game

A player loses the game by committing any of the following:

* Foul when pocketing the 8-Ball.

* Pocketing the 8-ball in a pocket other than the one he/she designated.

* Pocketing the 8-Ball when it is not the legal object ball.

* Pocketing the 8-ball on the same shot as the last of his/her group of balls.

Note: It is not a loss of game if you scratch or foul when playing the 8-ball as long as the 8-ball is not pocketed.

Training Mode

You may play in training mode. This is a one-player practice mode. You may strike any of the balls by clicking on the ball you wish to strike with the cue stick. You can also move any of the balls around on the table by simply left clicking and dragging them to the desired spot on the table.

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